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Cuba 2016 – Dwayne and Marylou

Our yearly trip to the Holguin area of Cuba was from November 29th to December 6th, 2016. Not only is it an opportunity to relax at the beautiful resort, but also a time to reconnect with our brothers and sisters at Heaven’s Door. This little church is located in a small town called Tonkin, about 7 km from the resort areas. Once again, we were welcomed with hugs and kisses. We attended their prayer meeting as well as the Sunday morning service. We were given opportunity to share with them what we felt was on the Lord’s heart for this beautiful bride. For our friends, it was (and still is) a time of uncertainty, as Fidel Castro had just died a few days before our arrival. We assured them that the Lord has His plans and purposes for them; not to fear; He loves them very much and He will not forget them; He hears their cries and He will be faithful.

Thanks to ROL, we delivered a variety of supplies and personal items and even a guitar. They were very appreciative!

Our friends’ hospitality is second to none. They provided a traditional meal at Pastor Orlando and Yami’s home and then a pork barbeque hosted by our dear friends, Jose and Yuni. The one week of mourning for Castro’s death was completed, so it was party time. We met many family and friends throughout the day as the pig roasted over the spit. Needless to say, we were treated like royalty.

Tears were shed as we said good bye. We are thankful for email contact throughout the year.

Heaven’s Door send their greetings and love. They thank the Lord for River of Life Fellowship and pray for us as a body.

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